Meet Your H&S Madison Team

Mandy purchased Hammer & Stain Madison in April of 2022 from Lisa Dally. She had previously worked for Lisa teaching workshops and helping prep. She loved being able to be creative and get paid for it. At the time, she was also working full time as Veterinary Surgical Assistant, and eventually needed to refocus her time and efforts to the OR.
At the age of 40, Mandy decided that it was time to take a different path in life. With that, it took her a whole 20 seconds to think of what she would love to do - Paint - Laugh - Create - Hammer & Stain Madison was the perfect option. Fast forward 4 months to April 2022 and Mandy bought Hammer & Stain Madison.

When not working, Mandy loves spending time with her family and fur-baby Katana. She has loved animals her whole life and spent over 20 years in the pet and veterinary industries. So rest assured, there will be plenty of pet workshops scheduled.

Linda is Mandy's mom, and is the one who originally introduced Mandy to Lisa and ultimately Hammer and Stain. "So this is all her fault!"
Linda works a lot behind the scenes. She is the one that helps to make sure that projects are ready to go for workshops. You will see Linda out and about helping Mandy when she needs a third and fourth hand.

Joy is a DIY Crafter at heart. In fact Crafty-McCrafterton is her legal middle name. Not only does she help out with workshops, but more importantly, she helps create and perfect projects before they get to the public.

Ally is a force to be reckoned with! She has been overseas for the past several years teaching. And of course, she was known as "The Cool Teacher".
She brings a worldly perspective to Hammer & Stain Madison. Ally keeps us in the know about cool crafting from around the world. She also helps keep us young, being the youngest of the crew, and not afraid to remind us!
Director of Goods (DOG)s

Meet Katana - the self appointed DOG! She is always at Mandy's side ready to give an opinion or helpful "bark". Most of the time, she reminds Mandy that it is time for a break from work. You will see Katana in a lot of the sample pictures, as she is always there to help out!

Katana has an intern - Meet Envy. She is fully in DOG training, and hopes to be hired on full time after her internship.